Are you looking for a convenient and easy way to supplement your diet? Look no further than EZ-8, the next generation of liquid supplements. With the perfect blend of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial ingredients, EZ-8 is designed to give you a quick, easy, and effective boost. Our EZ-8 liquid supplement is the latest and most convenient way to stay healthy! With just one tablespoon, you'll get your daily dose of 8 essential minerals—Boron, Calcium, Copper, Iodine, Indium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Zinc—that you'd normally get from our Smart Pack. No more need to take 8 separate teaspoons of supplements every day; one tablespoon of EZ-8 is all you need! Get your daily dose of essential minerals in a simple, convenient...
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We know that a proper diet and enough healthy movement is crucial for heart health - lower blood pressure and cholesterol, reducing the risk of diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes. Doctors have declared nutrition as the most critical factor in preventing heart disease for years, which is why a proper intake of heart-healthy liquid mineral supplements is important. Studies have shown that magnesium deficiency can cause high blood pressure and that magnesium supplements, such as the ones from mineral water company Smart A-Z, can reduce the risk of heart disease and other symptoms that can come about as a result. Magnesium is a natural calcium blocker in the body, able to help balance out excess calcium, which can cause the...
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On Saturday, May 15, Smart A-Z liquid mineral supplements company Co-Founder Sam Haycraft and Vice President of Marketing Samie Drake went live with Kathy Ireland on Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland to show Smart A-Z's new EZ-8 liquid supplement. EZ-8 has enough liquid supplement of your daily doses of boron, calcium, copper, iodine, indium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc to last you for 32 days, and is the top 8 essential minerals recommended by the Federal Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the NIAHS. EZ-8 is also bioavailable, meaning it can enter circulation when brought into the body, so it has an optimal active effect. The team also talked about how people today are simply not getting enough minerals in their...
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